| By Big Radio News Staff |

A Rock Coun­ty Judge says a 10-year prison sen­tence will teach an Evans­ville man that his habit of view­ing Inter­net child porn is not a vic­tim­less crime.

Judge Karl Hansen told 38-year-old Chase Leal sen­tenced Leal for con­tin­u­ing to down­load and view mul­ti­ple images of chil­dren being sex­u­al­ly assault­ed in Jan­u­ary using a phone he was not allowed to have.Bon­sai Casi­no

Leal was on pro­ba­tion in a 2018 child porn case when he was caught by police with a phone that had child porn on it.

Court papers say Leal claimed he only had images of naked chil­dren being sex­u­al­ly assault­ed because they were “pop-ups” that were attached to pornog­ra­phy fea­tur­ing adults.

Hansen said the next time Leal’s hand reach­es for a cell­phone, he should think about his past role in sup­ply and demand in a part of the porn indus­try that Hansen says destroys children’s lives.

Leal prob­a­bly won’t be look­ing at a phone any­time soon. His sen­tence bars him from using elec­tron­ic devices and the Inter­net dur­ing prison, and dur­ing 10 years of parole after he’s released. Signup now to receive news, con­tests, and spe­cial offers deliv­ered right to your inbox!

