
Sev­er­al authors have con­tributed their knowl­edge and exper­tise to devel­op­ing this pol­i­cy brief.

Dr Adel Tash
Direc­tor Gen­er­al of the Nation­al Heart Cen­ter, Sau­di Health Coun­cil Advi­sor to the Assis­tant Min­is­ter of Health for Plan­ning and Devel­op­ment 

Dr Abdu­laz­iz Alra­bi­ah 
Direc­tor Gen­er­al of the Gen­er­al Direc­torate of Nation­al Health Pol­i­cy and Eco­nom­ics, Sau­di Health Coun­cil  

Dr Abdul­rah­man AlMoghairi
Inter­ven­tion­al Car­di­ol­o­gist, Prince Sul­tan Car­diac Cen­ter, Riyadh, Direc­tor of Inter­ven­tion­al Car­di­ol­o­gy and Head of Catheter Lab­o­ra­to­ry, Direc­tor of the Research Depart­ment and Direc­tor of the Car­di­ol­o­gy Fel­low­ship Train­ing Pro­gram

Dr Abdul­rah­man Al-Qah­tani
Inter­ven­tion­al and Struc­tur­al Car­di­ol­o­gist, Head of the Inter­ven­tion­al Car­di­ol­o­gy and Catheter­i­za­tion Lab­o­ra­to­ry, King Fahad Med­ical City, and Leader of the R2 clus­ter ACS ser­vice line 

Dr Fawaz Al Mutairi
Con­sul­tant Inter­ven­tion­al Car­di­ol­o­gist, Nation­al Guard Hos­pi­tal, and Pres­i­dent of the Gulf Inter­ven­tion­al Soci­ety

Dr Feras Khaliel, MD, PhD
Con­sul­tant Car­diac Sur­geon, Head of the Sec­tion of Adult Car­diac Surgery, Direc­tor of the Robot­ics and MIS Car­diac Surgery, Direc­tor of the Heart Trans­plant and MCS Pro­gram, and Pro­fes­sor of Med­i­cine, AlFaisal Uni­ver­si­ty, King Faisal Spe­cial­ist Hos­pi­tal and Research Cen­ter

Dr Haz­im Rah­bi 
Head of the Struc­tur­al Heart Unit and Con­sul­tant Struc­tur­al and Inter­ven­tion­al Car­di­ol­o­gist, Heart Health Cen­tre, King Saud Med­ical City

Dr Hus­sain Al-Omar
Asso­ciate Pro­fes­sor of Phar­ma­coeco­nom­ics and Direc­tor of the Health Tech­nol­o­gy Assess­ment Unit, King Saud Uni­ver­si­ty 

Dr Hus­sein Al Amri 
Senior Inter­ven­tion­al and Struc­tur­al Heart Dis­ease Con­sul­tant, Prince Sul­tan Car­diac Cen­tre 

Dr Khalid Al Shibi
Inter­ven­tion­al Car­di­ol­o­gist and Direc­tor of the Car­diac Cen­ter at King Fahd Armed Forces Hos­pi­tal

Dr Mir­vat Al-Asnag, MD, FACC, FSCAI, FSCCT 
Direc­tor of the Catheter­i­za­tion Lab­o­ra­to­ry, King Fahad Armed Forces Hos­pi­tal, Gen­er­al Sec­re­tary of the Sau­di Ara­bi­an Car­diac Inter­ven­tion­al Soci­ety (SACIS)

Dr Mohammed Al Otaibi
Senior Inter­ven­tion­al Car­di­ol­o­gist, Prince Sul­tan Car­diac Cen­ter, and Head of Sau­di Per­cu­ta­neous Coro­nary Inter­ven­tion Fel­low­ship Pro­gram

Dr Son­dos Samar­gandy
Inter­ven­tion­al and Struc­tur­al Car­di­ol­o­gist, Prince Sul­tan Car­diac Cen­ter, Riyadh

Dr Tur­ki B. Albacker, MBBS, M.Sc, FRCSC, FACS, FACC, MBA
Pro­fes­sor of Car­diac Sci­ences, Car­diac Sci­ences Depart­ment, Col­lege of Med­i­cine and Con­sul­tant Car­diac and Aor­tic Sur­geon, King Fahad Car­diac Cen­ter, King Saud Uni­ver­si­ty Med­ical City

Dr Waleed Alhar­bi, MBBS, FRCPC, FACC 
Direc­tor of the King Fahad Car­diac Cen­ter, Depart­ment of Car­diac Sci­ences, Col­lege of Med­i­cine, King Saud Uni­ver­si­ty Med­ical City, Riyadh 

Dr Wail Al Kashkari
Car­di­ol­o­gy Con­sul­tant, Inter­ven­tion­al ACHD, Pres­i­dent of SACIS, SHA, and KAMC, Jed­dah


This doc­u­ment is a col­lab­o­ra­tive process facil­i­tat­ed and endorsed by the Sau­di Health Council/National Heart Center/General Direc­torate of the Nation­al Health Pol­i­cy and Eco­nom­ics. The find­ings, inter­pre­ta­tions, and con­clu­sions expressed here­in do not nec­es­sar­i­ly rep­re­sent the views of the Sau­di Health Coun­cil. 

Edwards Life­sciences sup­port­ed the devel­op­ment of this pol­i­cy brief.

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